Strategic advocacy

that drives impact

Advising, capacity building, and campaign planning

on racial justice and racial equity issues

movement policy

Big-Picture Landscaping: mapping legal + policy issues and solutions related to a community harm

Legislative Research & Drafting: bill drafting + bill reviews

Strategy Development: 

  • facilitation of campaign and strategic planning  

  • power-mapping analysis

  • opportunity analysis for engagement

  • impact assessments

Narrative Shift Planning: talking points + curated messaging opportunities

Rapid Response: policy crisis management

Grounded in the belief that systemic change comes through the process of movement-building, Nicole advises organizations on proven ways to build power and employ movement-building strategies through organizing, narrative-change work, policy and research, and legislative activities. 

Nicole is relentlessly resolute in the promise of collective power and organizing. She has an established record in leveraging legal and policy research, critical race theory, litigation and advocacy strategy to advance campaigns on racial justice and racial equity. She has worked 10+ years as an attorney, policy and advocacy strategist, and organizer on issues including criminal justice, technology policy, anti-surveillance, cannabis legalization and market development, and reparations. She is barred in New York and Tennessee.

Current and past clients include The Southern Poverty Law Center, MediaJustice, Drug Policy Alliance, Envision Freedom Fund (formerly Brooklyn Community Bail Fund), and Safe Routes to School National Partnership.

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